A Needle And Thread…..from Sam Neugent

This precious Quechua lady cannot read but really wanted reading glasses.  SO…. she was given a needle and thread.  Without the glasses, she could not come close to threading the needle, but when she put on the first pair she nailed it the first time.  She smiled from ear to ear.
Why do we do this?  It opens their heart to hear the gospel.  During the eye clinic today, only one person who heard the gospel message was not interested.  Some were already believers and the rest were open to the gospel.  We praise God for allowing us to a harvest from His field.


There’s No Plan But God’s…..by Brandon Schweers

Last night we had a rally with all the church pastors involved this week, and got to meet our pastors as well as our translators. We went out today for our first meeting with our local churches in the neighborhoods we will be serving in. Last year we had three man teams, this year only two. It is just me and my worship pastor, Joey, who was on my team last year.

Our church is in the outskirts of Cusco, in the district of San Sebastián. It is a poor area, but not quite as bad as the area we went to in Lima last year. And this time, we do not have near as much mountain to climb! Quite a relief! Especially since I definitely reinjured my rib on Friday (yeah I will have to explain that one later). But so far I haven’t been in too much pain. Or if it has been bad, it hasn’t lasted for too long.

Today was only meant for strategy, prayer, and making sure we’re on the same page to start full force tomorrow morning. However, we were done at 2 pm, and didn’t want to head back to the hotel. We wanted to go door to door already, and make the most of our time here, but we had no local church members with us, and only one translator instead if two. We decided to find the local soccer fields, so that later in the week we could have games and minister to the kids.

We found one at the top of a hill and no one was there. We were about to leave when a pair of boys showed up and we started playing with them. Within 30 min or so we had about 15 boys and men up there playing. After a while, we pulled them together to tell them the story of Jesus. Almost all of them ended up praying to receive Christ! One man said “yes this sounds like a [free] gift that would be great to have!” We got all of their names and addresses so that we can follow up with decipleship during the week! One of the older men was very appreciative of us being there. He said the local families really want to invest in the children of the area and get them on a good path, as many of the boys end up in gangs or working for drug cartels.

Brandon hill

Brandon soccer









Pretty awesome to see God work so quickly and unexpectedly! We start the official mission work tomorrow and we already have 10 names to follow up with!

We got back around five, and I took a nice little 45 minute nap. Soon they will serve dinner here at the hotel and we will go to bed early to start work tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for us as we are just getting started an have a long week ahead of us!