When all through the house
No missionary was sleeping, not even the church mouse.
Running around trying to finish laundry and packing
Everything seems to be piling up and it’s stacking.
Their bags are all stuffed and tied up with string
In hopes they haven’t forgotten even one thing.
With electronic batteries charging to full charge
They are hoping and praying their bags just aren’t too large.
Tossing and turning around in their beds,
Thoughts of “last minute stuff” roll through their heads.
The excitement and joy of going to tell their story
Soon becomes clear and they can’t wait to give God all glory!
With this thought, they close their eyes and smile,
They might as well sleep for a little while.
Can’t wait to meet these people to show them the true Light,
Here’s to a great mission all, and to all a good flight!
Pray for us as our Dallas team flies out tomorrow afternoon to Lima, Peru. The other half of the team will fly out from Alabama on Friday.
I personally am excited to be joining this team and E3 Partners. I’ll admit, when I found out our flight was going to have to fly out on July 4th, I was so bummed I wasn’t going to be able to see fireworks. They are one of my favorite things to watch. But then I thought, I get to go love on some people and tell them about me and Jesus. That’s WAY cooler than fireworks that will last only minutes. What I get to do….that lasts a LIFETIME PLUS!
Stay tuned for stories and pictures!
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Jul 3, 2013 -
I love the missions modified poem . . . . praying for the team and great time of ministry in Peru!
Jul 4, 2013 -
Thanks Josh!! We appreciate your prayers. Hoping that technology and WIFI will cooperate with us so we can update stories and photos daily. 🙂