Tag archive for giving

Spread the Love

She was only 4 years old when she was sold for sex.  4. YEARS. OLD.  By someone she knew.  Someone she looked to.  To love her.  To care for her.  Someone she looked to for guidance and trusted.  Sold at such a young age to…

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Generous Tuesday!

Today’s the day!   The day we’ve all been waiting for!  The day where we get to truly make a difference in someone’s life, whether we know them or not. The day where, for some of us, means stepping out of our comfort zone.  Stepping…

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Building One ARK at a Time

“How do we change the world?  One single Act of Random Kindness at a time?”   If you’ve ever seen the movie Evan Almighty, you would recognize this quote.  I like watching movies, especially ones that have a lot of quotable quotes in them.  And Steve…

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Giving Hope, One Small Act at a Time

If it is to be, it is up to me. hrough my years of teaching, we would teach our students this saying.  We would help and guide them to realize that life wasn’t about standing on the side lines, waiting for something great to be…

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