Tag archive for thankful

3 Lessons from Missions

Going on missions can be an emotionally and physically taxing time. As soon as you land where you are working, you can literally be hitting the ground running. Working from sun up to sun down, with little sleep in between, for a week straight. My…

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They Can See Clearly Now

Being able to see is a blessing. When you can’t see very well, it makes your every day living a lot more difficult.  In America, most of us have the opportunity and even the privilege of going to see a doctor to have our eyes…

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When in Peru…

Do as the Peruvians. Because our flights through a particular airline were cancelled, the team from Dallas had to fly down to Lima early.  This allowed us to have an entire day to relax, get accustomed to the cooler winter temperatures, and experience the city…

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Touchdown Peru

The start of the trip wasn’t your typical start.  But when you travel in a group, it never is. We have 8 different people coming from 7 different locations.  An hour before take-off, a phone call from our key leader to tell us they are…

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Twas The Night Before Missions

When all through the house No missionary was sleeping, not even the church mouse. Running around trying to finish laundry and packing Everything seems to be piling up and it’s stacking. Their bags are all stuffed and tied up with string In hopes they haven’t…

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Take a Day Off?

“Yeah right…” you’re thinking. “When I get everything done, THEN I’ll take the day off.” Ever said that…to your boss, your family, yourself? Have you ever been so exhaustedly tired that you can’t remember what you did last week, last night, 5 minutes ago?  If…

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Building One ARK at a Time

“How do we change the world?  One single Act of Random Kindness at a time?”   If you’ve ever seen the movie Evan Almighty, you would recognize this quote.  I like watching movies, especially ones that have a lot of quotable quotes in them.  And Steve…

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Remind Me Again What Thanksgiving Is?

Crisp leaves fall, littering yards and streets.  A cool breeze blows softly, nipping at your nose.  Fireplaces crackle as you snuggle up on the couch under cozy blankets watching movies with hot cocoa.  Families coming together to celebrate all that has been done and given…

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